• Queen Mary University of London
  • Barts Health NHS
  • Bradford NHS
  • Manchester Uni

S00023: Genetics of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Investigators: Cecilia Lindgren, Laura Wittemans, Corrine Kolka Welt

Full lay summary AWAITED

"We are gearing up for our next wave of PCOS analysis and we would love if you would join us with the Genes & Health data. We have a PCOS ICD code diagnosis i.e. codes for hirsutism, ammenohrea or PCOS according to ICD-8 (626, 704 or 256,9) and/or ICD-10 (N92, L68 or E28.2), we also accept questionnaire based self-reported PCOS. Any female controls who don’t have a PCOS diagnosis in your data bases can be used as controls."