• Queen Mary University of London
  • Barts Health NHS
  • Bradford NHS
  • Manchester Uni

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Bangladeshi and Pakistani people are the largest ethnic minority groups in the UK, and have five times the rates of diabetes than the rest of the population, worse cardiovascular health, worse mental health, and many more. Genes and Health is trying to help scientists and doctors find out why. We hope that by looking closely at how genes work it will be possible to treat diseases better. About 50,000 people have already taken part, and we hope to reach 100,000 volunteers soon.


Are you British Bangladeshi or British Pakistani? You can help scientists and doctors to improve health and reduce inequality by volunteering for the Genes & Health study.


Volunteering for the study involves completing a short online questionnaire and providing a saliva sample by post. More information is available in the information leaflet. You can do all of this from home in less than 15 minutes.


Volunteer now!

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