• Queen Mary University of London
  • Barts Health NHS
  • Bradford NHS
  • Manchester Uni


Genes & Health is supporting studies looking at how genes work, and how diseases develop, in the hope that it will be possible to identify better treatments to cure or help prevent them.

Here is the full list of Scientific Publications from Genes & Health.

Some early research aims are:

  • To study how genes normally vary from person to person in the adult Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities. Knowing what is normal is very important when searching for genes causing certain childhood diseases.
  • To study genes in people with very high and very low cholesterol levels, to better understand why heart disease and stroke occur.
  • To study variation in genes in healthy adults whose parents are related. These studies will tell us how genes work (especially knockouts), and help develop new medicines and treatments.
  • To study genes of people with diabetes, aiming to identify rarer types of diabetes for which specific treatments might be used.
  • To study how some people respond differently to certain medicines.

Long-term, we aim to support many local and national/international health research studies, for decades to come.

Volunteers joining the study will be asked to give their consent to be contacted again, and some may be invited to take part in further studies on the basis of data gathered from their samples and from health record information. Each further study will have a separate informed consent process, and volunteers may take part or decline further studies as they wish whilst remaining part of the main Genes & Health study.